
An Affordable Personal Training Option in Nashville

affordable personal training nashville

Have you ever considered hiring a personal trainer? If so, you have probably found the biggest obstacle to be the expense. Like most things, personal trainers worth hiring are typically quite expensive – and for good reason. The difference between a quality coach and an inexperienced, cheap option could be the difference in an injury or sub-par results. In Nashville, you can expect to pay over $100/hour for a quality coach with experience. For 3 workouts per week, that ends up being between $1300-$1400/month on the low end!

At MUVFit, after doing years of 1-on-1 coaching, we began to look at what clients actually need – and what they don’t. Hiring based on cost is always a huge mistake people make when looking for a trainer. But since $1000/mo is hard for many to do, what other option is there?

1-on-1 Personal Training is Overkill for Most People

When it comes to personal training, it’s important to know what you should paying for – and what you shouldn’t. Of course, there are exceptions if someone has extreme physical limitations or has an ultra-specific goal that requires more detailed attention. But for most looking to lose weight, get stronger, and age and feel better:

What you DO need:

  • Experienced, quality coach
  • Customized program that factors in past/present injuries and mobility issues, starts where YOU are at, and progresses in a scientific manner
  • Accountability to stick with it
  • Support and Encouragement
  • Flexibility for busy schedules
  • Affordability

What you DON’T need: 

  • A coach hovering over you every second of a workout counting your reps
  • Being dependent on only one person to help you change your life
  • Fitting into one trainer’s schedule – and when your schedules don’t align, you miss your workout
  • Wasting time with needless chit-chat instead of working towards your goals
  • (Personal pet peeve) A coach looking at their phone while you’re doing an exercise.
  • Paying $100+/hour for a workout

We factored all this in to create the best affordable personal training Nashville has to offer.

How does our personal training program work?

  1. Initial Consultation – First, we will schedule a call to discuss your goals and ensure we’re a great fit for each other. This is a vital first step to explain the program and answer all of your questions.
  2. New Client Orientation – If we sound like a good fit, we will have you come in for a New Client Orientation. We will show you around the gym to get you acclimated, explain exactly how the sessions will look and feel, give you a bunch of tools to help you on your journey, and help ease the nerves because we know starting this can be intimidating.
  3. Accountability Coach – Once you’ve begun as a member of our program, we will assign you an Accountability Coach to help coach you on your journey. They will set up a 1-on-1 Strategy Session with you to dig deeper into your goals and lifestyle and begin to craft a plan to get you there. You will have unlimited access to them for questions/support through your journey here.
  4. Custom Plan – Over the first two weeks of your program, we will assess exactly how you move to dial your program in. We have a proprietary program in which we score you on over 30 movements, and continue to score you over time to progress you in a scientific way (no guessing here!). You can be assured we won’t have you doing anything you shouldn’t be doing with our expert program.
  5. Personal Training Sessions – Our personal training sessions are conducted in a semi-private environment in which you are sharing the attention of our expert trainer with other clients. But each client has their own custom program! This is no class. You will have your own dedicated space with a tablet with YOUR name and YOUR workout displayed on it!
  6. Flexible Scheduling – Whereas a 1-on-1 coach has a rigid schedule that can be hard to fit into, we have a completely flexible, open schedule. Book sessions whenever they work for you and your schedule week to week.
  7. Team Approach to Training – Although we assign each client their own Accountability Coach, you do not have to train with them each time. In fact, we don’t want you to! We find it to be extremely beneficial to have multiple coaches work with you. So your session coach is dictated by when you come in. We coach our clients as a team to give you the best possible experience.
  8. Community – Finally, one of the most underrated and misunderstood benefits of our approach is the Community and Culture. These are things most clients don’t initially value, but find to be the most appealing part of the process once you’re here. Having a community of like-minded individuals supporting you through your journey is something you can’t put a price on.

“After 3 workouts, I can honestly say that this has been the best decision of my life! My expectations were probably on the high side just based on what my friends have both told me, but you guys have FAR surpassed that. It’s the most welcoming and encouraging place I’ve ever been – not even just for a gym. The coaches are amazingly patient and thoughtful. They each made sure I was 100% clear on what I needed to do. They have pushed me when I needed it (already went up on weight for 2 of my exercises!!) and did it in the most bubbly, high energy way. That increase in 5 lbs felt just as important as I would’ve expected a 20 lb increase to feel.

It’s SO easy to schedule online!

Seriously, you’ve created a special thing here, and I’m so thankful I get to be a part of it.”

– Sarah C.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’ve been looking for a solution that delivers results, takes the intimidation out of fitness, and has you looking forward to your workout each day, check out MUVFit Personal Training. We would love to meet you.

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